Showing posts with label antioxidants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antioxidants. Show all posts

Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Shocking Truth About Eggs


This article will surely get lots of hits and lots of comments. How do I know that? Because I have done other articles on eggs. You are going to have numerous people out there who do not believe that eggs are healthy for you and that is okay. But on the other hand, there are millions of people out there who eat eggs every single day. Now I ask you from my heart, to be gracious and regarded to others, not to knock them nor anyone else, if they eat eggs let them eat their eggs.

So I am going to keep this content more conversational and practical. I don't want to go into the deep science, chemistry and exploration before all of this. There are a lot of different opinions towards egg yolks. Although to this day, there's no true scientific data that shows a direct correlation from salutary cholesterol to blood cholesterol. Throughout recent many years, I have met various patients. I have truly dear friends who are cardiologists as well as internists. I tête-à-tête spoke with them and I wanted one of them to come on and share their opinions with me, but it did not work out that way. But I can tell you through their experience and mine, there are numerous people who eat at least a dozen or more eggs a week. That has low cholesterol, things have changed extensively from the once cholesterol was the big thing. But today they are using different tests that correlate to heart complaints.

So then there is the problem about the egg. It's the cholesterol in the yolk. There is no cholesterol in the white but only in the yolk, roughly 200 milligrams, but they're saying you should not eat more than 300 milligrams per day. So in that yolk there are so numerous important vitamins that help heal the body, it has vitamin A, D, E and K along with omega- 3 fats and veritably important antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin which are extremely important for your eye health. Our body is producing 75 of our cholesterol, and we are only counting on that 25 percent from our salutary foods. Now suppose about this, if we are taking in too much cholesterol our liver is going to produce lower cholesterol and if we are taking in too little cholesterol then our body is going to produce further. So why are we letting our mind fight our body? Our body is a lot further intelligent than our mind. I'm sure that if your body needs to do something, it's going to do it correctly if you do not intrude with it.

Cholesterol is a good thing.

1. It builds and maintains cell membranes.

2. It's essential for determining which molecules can pass into the cell wall and which can not.

3. It's used in the production of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone.

4. It's essential for the production of hormones released by the adrenal glands, particularly cortisol.

5. Furthermore, it aids in the production of bile which helps digest fats.

6. It switches daylight over completely to vitamin D in the body.

7. It protects nerves.

Cholesterol is utilized by the body to make the linings of the nerves called the myelin sheath which is significant like a cautious covering around an electrical line. The brain is composed of cholesterol. Millions of people worldwide are given medicines to lower their cholesterol, and now we wonder why they're having so numerous neurological issues. Pharmaceuticals is a multi-billion dollar business, and I am not here to knock down. I'm here to make sure that you stay visionary for your own health. I believe that the chemistry of an egg should be the way that it was produced and when we take things apart we can affect our own metabolism within our body. Yes, chicken eggs are advanced in cholesterol but the effect of egg consumption on blood cholesterol is minimal when compared with the effect of trans fats and saturated fats.

So if you have a history of heart complaints, I would always advise you to follow your doctor's recommendations. So in my opinion the yolk is surely a go. It's veritably important to make sure you eat a healthy diet, lots of vegetables, get your exercise hydrated, get your sleep and do all the proper stuff that's necessary to keep yourself healthy.

"I sincerely hope you've enjoyed it so far. Please do not forget to follow, share and bookmark my blog if you want to see further content like this."

Leave your comments below because I know there'll be numerous and most important make it a great day..!!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

10 Best Anti-Aging Foods To Boost Your Gut Health After 50

Top 10 best anti-aging foods you should eat every day. Pack your body with vibrant food loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, water and essential nutrients and watch it reflect on your largest body organ your skin. The anti-aging industry is filled with products creams and supplements that market towards wrinkle-free collagen boosting youthful skin but did you know that when it comes to fighting the clock  what we put into our bodies is lot more critical. There are a variety of anti-aging foods that nature has provided us.

In this blog post, I will share with you the top 10 best anti-aging foods you should eat every day from Blueberries, Spinach, Nuts and more.

Number One Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

Studies have shown that extra virgin Olive Oil is one of the healthiest oils in the world. It contains healthy fats and antioxidants. This powerful combination can help to reduce inflammation and oxidative damage caused by an imbalance of free radicals in the body. Monounsaturated fats make up about 72% of Olive Oil. The journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology showed that these healthy fats contain strong anti-inflammatory effects that may help reduce skin aging. Extra virgin Olive Oil is rich in  antioxidants like tocopherols and  beta-carotene as well as phenolic compounds.

People who consume a diet rich in  monounsaturated fats from Olive Oil have  a lower risk of severe skin aging. The ideal choice is cold pressed extra virgin Olive Oil due to its higher antioxidant content. Add a splash to any salad or dip of your choice. The anti-aging benefits of Olive Oil don't end with healthy skin but it can ward off cognitive decline making it an essential part of your daily diet.

Number Two Blueberries:

Blueberries are full of Vitamins A and C  and an age-defying antioxidant called  anthocyanin giving them their deep beautiful blue color. These powerful antioxidants may help the skin from damage due to the sun stress and pollution by moderating the inflammatory response.  Moreover, according to a study published  in june 2013 Blueberries also contain compounds that prevent collagen loss.

Blueberries are sweet with low sugar content so they do not have any adverse effects on blood sugar levels thanks to their high content of bioactive compounds. Eat a handful of Blueberries daily. You can use this delicious versatile fruit in numerous ways like toppings for oatmeal or waffles or mixed into smoothies or yogurt.

Number Three Spinach:

Spinach is a super hydrating food rich in antioxidants that help oxygenate and replenish the entire body. But that is not all this versatile leafy green is high in Vitamin C which enhances collagen production to keep skin firm and smooth. And Vitamin A promotes strong shiny hair. Furthermore, Spinach also contains Vitamin K which is known for reducing inflammation in cells.

Spinach is also rich in Vitamin E, magnesium, plant-based heme, iron and  lutein. The latter two are Spinach's main  active ingredients for anti-aging. These are commonly used in the beauty industry in age reversal products and you can find plenty of them in nature's velvety green. You can toss handfuls of Spinach into  smoothies, salads or even saute.

Number Four Broccoli:

This powerhouse is an anti-inflammatory, anti-aging loaded with many beneficial nutrients. It includes Vitamin C and K, fiber, lutein, folate, calcium and a variety of antioxidants. The key ingredient is lutein, a carotenoid that works like beta carotene. Lutein aids in keeping your skin protected from oxidative damage.

As we age, we reduce collagen production as a result the skin begins to wrinkle and sag. And guess what, Vitamin C abundantly present in Broccoli is perfect for collagen synthesis. Broccoli is excellent for a quick snack eaten raw or you could even gently steam or roast it for a few minutes for extra health benefits.

Number Five Papaya:

Papaya is a delicious superfood packed with numerous antioxidants, minerals and  vitamins. During a study conducted in September 2012, these compounds have shown to help improve skin elasticity and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The wide range of nutrients includes magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, Vitamin B complexes Vitamins A, E, C and K.

Furthermore, antioxidants play a role in fighting free radical damage and delay signs of aging. Papaya consists of an  enzyme called papayan which is also present in many exfoliating products. Papain provides additional anti-aging  benefits by working among nature's top anti-inflammatory agents. Consuming papaya regularly may help your body shed dead skin cells leaving you with glowing vibrant skin.

Number Six Avocado:

Avocados are packed with inflammation fighting fatty acids that promote smooth supple skin making them a great all-around age rewinder. The food science nutrition journal concluded that avocados also contain various essential nutrients that may prevent the adverse effects of aging. This versatile fruit is an excellent source of potassium, Vitamin B complexes, Vitamin A, C, E and K. The Vitamin A content plays a part in skin turnover, shedding dead skin cells and leaving glowing gorgeous skin.

Moreover, the carotenoid content also assists to some extent in blocking toxins and damage from sun rays. This characteristic also has cancer protective effects on the skin and improves skin elasticity. There are about 30 different ways to incorporate Avocados into your daily diet. The possibilities are endless.

Number Seven  Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet Potatoes are packed with antioxidants particularly beta carotene. This compound contributes to the orange color of the superfood and converts itself to Vitamin A as an end product. Research has shown that Vitamin A may help promote skin turnover, restore skin elasticity and ultimately contribute to soft youthful looking skin.

This all-around root vegetable is also rich in Vitamin C and E. These are renowned for protecting our skin from harmful free radicals and keeping our complexion radiant. Sweet Potatoes are a delicious snack for any age group from toddlers to the elderly.

Number Eight Nuts:

Most nuts are saturated with Vitamin E  which may help repair skin tissue, retain skin moisture and protect skin from damaging UV rays.  Walnuts and Almonds are top among the nuts that contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids to help protect against skin damage, strengthen skin cell, membranes and give skin a beautiful glow by preserving its natural oil barrier.

You can add a handful of nuts to eat as a snack or sprinkle them onto salads. Additionally, do you know that eating nuts can reduce the risk of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline in older adults.

Number Nine Green Tea:

Green Tea is full of antioxidants that can fight and stabilize free radicals in the body so they cannot cause damage. Free radicals are unstable molecules created as a byproduct of normal cell functioning and can cause damage if they are present at high levels. The primary antioxidants present in Green Tea are polyphenols, epigallocatechin, gallate, gallic acid and catechins.

Apart from fighting wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots and saggy skin, Green Tea also slows down premature aging because of its rich content of oligomeric proanthocyanidins. Green Tea extract is present in many skin care products due to its anti-aging properties. Drinking Green Tea frequently is a fantastic way to obtain more antioxidants in your body for healthy glowing skin.  

Number Ten Pomegranate:

Pomegranates are also full of plentiful  antioxidants like flavonols, tannins,  phenolic acids and lignins as well as fiber, potassium, and Vitamin K to support better heart health. These antioxidants  protect the skin's existing collagen and promote the skin to make new collagen.

According to a study published in the journal, nature medicine microbes transform specific molecules present in pomegranates in the gut to enable muscle cells to protect themselves against one of the significant causes of aging. You can sprinkle these sweet little jewels onto baby spinach, walnut or salad for a delectable anti-aging treat.

The food you put into your body reflects  strongly on your skin health. The most  beneficial foods for your skin are high in protein, healthy fats and antioxidants along with a good nutritious diet. Do not forget to protect your skin with healthy lifestyle habits such as avoiding smoking, wearing sunscreen, staying physically active and using your skin type appropriate care products. So add these delicious foods to your daily diet and live a healthy and happy life because you deserve it. 

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