Showing posts with label hydration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hydration. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2023

5 Things You Must Do In The Morning


What you do in the main first hour of getting up in the morning finalizes the quality of your day. So in this article, I wish to share with you five simple things that you must do after waking up in the morning to stay fit energetic and productive throughout the day.

Let's begin with the first natural stretch. Have you observed how after waking up in the morning you feel like stretching yourself? This is the body's natural signal commonly known as yawning. Today science has proven that this small act has numerous benefits. A natural stretch like this instantly lubricates the joints. This increases their flexibility. While we are sleeping we stay in one posture for a long time this reduces the heart function and also obstructs blood circulation in certain parts. Yawning is an amazing way to increase blood circulation. More blood circulation means more nutrients flowing. This really works. Every part of your body feels energetic and your brain gets activated. Remember, how when you stretch yourself after sitting continuously for long in the office, you instantly feel recharged, it's the same. Heart attacks are getting so common these days scientific studies state that a natural stretch in the morning reduces the risk of heart stroke. The best thing is that you can stretch any way. stretch while you are still on the bed. This is similar to Makarasana, the best Yogic Asana to get rid of lower-back pain, sciatica, asthma, calming the mind, stress-relieving etc. you can stretch while sitting, this will help in cervical problems. stretch full body after getting off bed. hardly spending one minute your body will get the benefit of a mini workout.

Next, drink water. There is no doubt about the benefits of keeping the body hydrated. When we wake up after sleeping for six to eight hours our body is dehydrated. This can be noticed from the fact that the first urine after waking up is more yellow and acidic. At this time our brain needs water, our skin needs water, our whole body is asking for water but what most people feed with is tea or coffee. These are drying beverages which take the luster out of the scan. It creates an acidic environment which then causes gastric trouble. See I'm not against tea or coffee but at least avoid early in the morning. Instead, if you drink water it will kick start your metabolism. High metabolism means that your body will automatically begin to break the fat stored inside. Scientific studies have proven that drinking water in the morning helps increase bowel movement better. Bowel movement means the load of waste that is lying within gets eliminated from the body. This results in natural skin glow, better healthy hair, reduction in belly fat, and the brain gets relaxed. Now you can drink hot water, warm water or room temperature water as per your choice. Just drink plain water, no need to add anything here. Drink as much as you can, one two three four glasses as you feel like. By making just this one habit you avoid numerous diseases in the future.

Then wash your eyes. Eyes are one body part that clearly needs extra attention. These days, no wonder dry eyes, strain, redness, itching and poor vision are so common. After getting freshened up don't skip splashing water on your eyes. But the way you do it makes a vital difference. Fill your mouth full with water, when you do this your eyes will naturally bulge out allowing more water contact with the eyes helping them clean better. Now splash water on your eyes 15 to 20 times. This greatly helps improve eyesight. It cools the eyes, reducing redness due to high screen time, it reduces the risk of infections, and sensitivity to light gets better. In fact, early in the morning our eyes are most sensitive to light. At this time using a phone or laptop is like burning your eyes, so avoid it. Splashing water on eyes will give them the much needed relief. Make it a mandatory habit of your morning routine.

Then do oil pulling. This is one practice from which I have personally reaped so many benefits. I wish I had taken a picture of my back teeth to show you how the yellow plaque has significantly reduced by simply swishing the oil around the mouth. This is an ancient Indian Ayurvedic practice whose benefits latest scientific research is now proving. See when you mix oil and water, they stay separate but when you mix oil and oil they readily combine. This is the principle on which oil pulling works. The harmful microorganisms in our mouth are covered in fats called lipids. When we switch oil and mouth, it attaches these microorganisms and when we spit the oil out, microorganisms are removed. Less bacteria in the mouth means less chances of bad breath. This prevents mouth ulcers, plaque gets removed, gum problem reduces, teeth become whiter, and lips turn pinkish. When we oil pull, our facial muscles get properly stretched. It's like a facial massage, this prevents wrinkles, and gives you a better jawline. I know a friend who isn't a health enthusiast but never misses oil pulling because he feels that due to oil pulling his craving to smoke has significantly dropped.  Clearly oil pulling is amazing. You can use any cold pressed oil, olive oil, coconut oil, sesame seed oil or mustard oil. Just 1 tbsp and keep swishing it for 10 to 20 minutes. While you are oil pulling you can do other things as well, then spit out. After that you can normally brush your teeth and clean the tongue also.

Finally the first meal in the morning. The first thing that you eat or drink (water not included) has a huge impact on your body. At this time your body is in a fasted state, it is ready for food. Whatever you give it, it will be very well absorbed in the system. Ayurveda gives utmost importance to the concept of the first meal. So make use of it and choose your first meal very carefully. For general health you can have a piece of fresh seasonal fruit but let's say you are suffering from liver problems or you want to reduce body heat. In that case drinking a glass of sugar cane juice as the first meal will help heal your liver. If you want to reduce body fat, you can have Ashwagandha leaf juice. If thyroid is your problem, have soaked coriander seed water as a first meal. If you have weak bones, you can have a pinch of tuna mixed and curd. For hair fall, you can chew a few Curry leaves. In case you have 2-3 problems at once, prioritize which one you want to tap first. Have your first meal according to that and continue for 2 months, then you can switch to another. This way you can tap six different problems in one year. After having your first meal, let it work for about 30 minutes and then you can have your regular breakfast. Adding this simple thing to your regular diet, you can have such a huge impact on your overall health.

I sincerely hope you've enjoyed it so far. Please don't forget to follow, share and bookmark my blog if you want to see more content like this. 

If we quickly summarize:

- As soon as you wake up in the morning, stretch your body while lying down in the bed, sitting or standing. This is like a mini workout. 

- Then before brushing the teeth, drink water, hot water, warm water or room temperature water. it's your choice to drink two to four glasses of water. 

-Then subsequent to easing your entrails, wash your eyes. Fill your mouth full with water and splash water for at least 15-20 times, be it any problem of the eyes it will help. 

- Then put one tablespoon of any cold pressed oil, be it olive oil, coconut, sesame or mustard oil, in your mouth and squish it around for 10 to 20 minutes. The act of oil pulling will assist with diminishing your oral issues and will carry a sparkle to your face.

- After oil pulling you can normally brush your teeth.

- Then make use of the first meal depending on which health problem you wish to fix. After about 30 minutes of this meal, you can have your regular breakfast. 

Which one of these five things did you find most practical and easy. Drinking water, washing the eyes, oil pulling or the first meal? I will be awaiting your response in the comments. Even if you do all these together, it will hardly take 30 minutes of your time but will completely change the tone and direction of the day.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

10 Ways to Boost Your Immune System and Prevent Viruses


The human immune system is answerable for safeguarding the body against harmful infections, microbes, and different microorganisms. It is a mind boggling organization of cells, tissues, and organs that cooperate to perceive and ward off trespassers. While there is no reliable method for forestalling ailment, there are numerous procedures that can assist with supporting the invulnerable framework and diminish the gamble of disease.

Here are 10 ways to support your immune system and forestall sickness:

1. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

A sound eating routine is vital to keeping serious areas of strength for a framework. Center around devouring the entire, supplementing thick food sources that are plentiful in nutrients, minerals, and cell reinforcements. This can incorporate natural products, vegetables, entire grains, lean proteins, and sound fats. Stay away from handled food sources, sweet beverages, and inordinate measures of liquor.

2. Get sufficient sleep 

Rest is fundamental for the body to fix and recover, and it assumes a basic part in keeping major areas of strength for a framework. Grown-ups ought to hold back nothing long periods of rest every evening, while youngsters and teens might require more. In the event that you battle with rest, have a go at laying out a standard sleep time schedule, staying away from caffeine and screens before bed, and establishing an agreeable rest climate.

3. Oversee pressure

Persistent pressure can adversely affect the invulnerable framework, making us more vulnerable to disease. Tracking down solid ways of overseeing pressure can assist with helping invulnerability and work on in general wellbeing. This can incorporate practices like contemplation, yoga, profound breathing, and customary activity.

4. Remain dynamic

Customary actual work is a significant piece of keeping areas of strength for a framework. Practice assists with further developing dissemination, decrease aggravation, and lift the creation of resistant cells. Go for 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week, like lively strolling, cycling, or swimming.

5. Clean up often

Hand washing is one of the best ways of forestalling the spread of sickness. Try to clean up every now and again with cleanser and water, particularly prior to eating or contacting your face. In the event that you don't approach cleanser and water, use hand sanitizer with no less than 60% liquor. This must be done with regular intervals specially in this era of Covid-19 pandemic and H1N1 virus.

6. Keep awake to date with vaccinations

Inoculations are a significant instrument for forestalling ailment and safeguarding the resistant framework. Make a point to keep awake to date with suggested immunizations for you as well as your relatives.

7. Quit smoking

Smoking can adversely affect the safe framework, making it harder for the body to fend off diseases. In the event that you smoke, stopping can assist with working on your general wellbeing and lessen the gamble of disease.

8. Limit openness to microbes

Restricting openness to microbes can assist with decreasing the gamble of disease. This can incorporate keeping away from close contact with wiped out people, remaining at home when you are debilitated, and rehearsing great cleanliness, for example, covering your mouth and nose while hacking or sniffling.

9. Consider invulnerable helping supplements

While a solid eating regimen is the most effective way to get the supplements your resistant framework needs, certain enhancements might assist with helping insusceptibility. L-ascorbic acid, zinc, and probiotics are generally used to help resistant capability. Be that as it may, it means a lot to converse with your medical services supplier prior to beginning any new enhancements.

10. Remain hydrated

Remaining hydrated is significant for keeping a sound insusceptible framework. Expect to drink something like 8-10 cups of water every day, and that's only the tip of the iceberg assuming you are practicing or in a hot climate.

For a complete tension free health supplement, I suggest you to visit my link below. I am pretty sure you won't need anything else thereafter. A complete satisfaction is guaranteed.

In conclusion, keeping a solid resistant framework is vital to forestalling disease and remaining sound. By following these techniques, you can assist with supporting your invulnerable framework and lessen the gamble of contamination. In any case, it is critical to recollect that no single methodology can ensure resistance, and becoming ill even with major areas of strength for a system is as yet conceivable. On the off chance that you have worries about your safe capability or are encountering side effects of disease, converse with your medical services supplier

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